ONLINE Cosmic Qigong, Buddha Palm – March 8

Cosmic Qigong or Buddha Palm is a powerful tool to activate internal energy with the energy of the cosmos. It is a very good preparation technique for a Practitioner of Cosmic Healing. However everybody who wants to feel connected to the Earth and Universal forces is welcomed to this set of practices.

ONLINE 3 Fires/6 Direction Qigong – March 9

The 3 fires are connected to the lower Tantien, kidneys and heart and we use our chi hands as tool to connect with earth, nature and universal chi to draw these forces into the lower Tantien, kidneys and heart. Universal energy is unlimited and when balancing internal energy through practices like Six Healing Sounds and Inner Smile we learn to draw universal energy into our limited energy to feel the 3 fires - tantien fire, kidney fire and heart fire. This practice leads to opening the microcosmic orbit.

Tan Tien Qigong and Iron Shirt Qigong – May 19 – 20 [London/England]

Tantien Chi Kung develops the power of the Tantien and the Perineum. Through the practice of the Tantien Chi Kung we enhance Chi pressure in our lower TanTien. This increases our vitality, strengthens our organs and promotes self-healing. The circulatory system, the lymphatic system, the nervous system and the endocrine system will be activated and Chi and blood will flow more easily through the body. If energy is stored in the Tan Tien it can be accessed later, if not the Chi dissipates and cannot be used. The Tan Tien is therefore also called the Ocean of Chi.

Iron Shirt Qigong is the basic Qigong practice of the Universal Healing Tao system.
It is a martial art that develops internal power, an aligned body structure and a well-conditioned body through simple techniques that build and store Chi.The joints are strengthened, the muscles, tendons and ligaments become soft and strong. It helps us to become rooted to the earth, thereby keeping our body centered and balanced. Iron Shirt Chi Kung lays the groundwork for higher spiritual work.

Tai Chi Qigong and Tao Yin – May 21 – 22 [London/England]

Tai Chi Chi Kung I form consists of only 13 easy-to- master movements, the mind is soon free to learn how to experience and direct the Chi flow.

Tai Chi is an art. As with most arts, personal instruction is essential if one wishes to reach the highest levels. The Tai Chi Chi Kung form stresses the inner structure of Tai Chi, the way Chi flows in the body and the way energy is transmitted through the bone structure from the ground.

The Tai Chi principles and methods of internal power training are applicable to all styles of Tai chi. However, Tai Chi Chi Kung must be understood, studied, and practiced within the context of Taoism; it is but one branch (albeit an important one) of a comprehensive system of Taoist practices.

Tao Yin is a series of revitalizing exercises that develop flexibility, strength, resiliency, and suppleness. These exercises create harmony within the body, mind and spirit through their integrative principles.

Tao Yin means ‘directing energy’ and this helps us to release chronic tension, energy blockages, and toxicity that may have accumulated in the body over many years.

These exercises activate Chi flow in the meridians, opening and strengthening them. In this way, the Chi from the TanTien links the Yin and Yang meridians before returning to its starting point. The yin meridians are deeper, more internal; whereas the Yang meridians are near the outer surfaces and in areas of the extremities.

Cosmic Healing II Workshop – July 9-11 [France/Toulouse]

Cosmic Healing is a practice of channeling pure Cosmic Chi for healing. It comprises the art of healing oneself and others through channeling colors from the universe through different parts of the body. Each color has a different effect on the body like loosening toxins up, flushing it out, cleaning, enhancing and energizing.

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